How to frame a poster? |
You’ve just laid your hands on a favorite vintage poster, all splashed with bold lettering and pop colors. Why go for the regular tape-on-the-wall when you can make it look professional, clean, and assure longevity? Go for the millions of framing options available to give your poster the proud place it deserves on your wall. |
Here’s how you should go about framing your poster:
1. Measure it right You will need to accurately measure the length-height-width of your poster before purchasing the frame. Many frames can accommodate only very thin posters and therefore the depth of the poster must be taken into account when measuring. If you are going to use a mat, include its dimensions in the measurement. You must always choose a frame that is bigger than the dimensions of the poster if you are using a mat. If you measure only the exteriors of the poster then you may end up with a frame that will not be able to accommodate the poster and damage its edges.
2. Choose the right frame
- A color from the poster: Glossy metal frames featuring a poppy color from the poster often helps in drawing attention. Make sure to keep the frame width under 3 inches so that it doesn’t overpower the image.
- Natural Wood Shadow Box: Use shadow boxes and wide matting for an upscale look for your poster.
- White Wide Wood: A white two-inch matte frame is great for a white wall. It uplifts the image and almost gives it a ‘floating’ feel. It’s one of the best ways to achieve a clean, polished look for a poster, even with visible lettering.
- Narrow Black Metal: If the poster’s lettering is attractive and bold. Go for slim metal frames that pick a color from the font and accentuate the lettering. In this way, the letters form a piece of art by themselves.
3. Have an eye for StyleChoose a frame that matches your style of living, personal preferences, and the type of poster. - Wood frames generally have an elegant and classy look while metal ones preserve a clinical and modern feel.
- Plastic frames with a wood finish are a budget buy and also easy to transport.
- Acrylic frames are especially useful because they allow a wide display and accentuate the lettering.
4. Choose the right matYou will want to choose a mat that goes with everything – your living style, the room, and the poster itself. It is usual to place a light-colored mat on top of an accent color. The accent color should ideally match the general tone of the poster – not lighter than the lightest shade or darker than the darkest shade in the poster. Black and white pictures will do best with cool whites or grays, or even black. In the case of large posters, use mats with smaller widths and experiment with colors that work well on 1.5 inches of width. The dramatic effect may be achieved with wider width mats.
5. Backing is important Posters can be dry mounted and backed with a variety of surfaces such as aluminum or kappa board. It is important to choose acid-free backing for your poster to arrest its quick-fading and yellowing. Some frames come with fitted backing which is acid-free and are great to use.
6. High quality Plexiglass Look for a poster frame that has higher-quality plexiglass, such as Acrylite OP-3, that is 1/8 inch (0.31 cm) thick. Common glass, though a cheaper option may break or trap moisture inside to damage the poster. Lower quality glasses may not be able to prevent the yellowing of posters over time. High-quality plexiglass is anti-glare and lighter than common glass, making it apt for large frames as in posters. Another important aspect of plexiglass is that it is UV resistant which is necessary if the poster is in a spot that receives a lot of sunlight.
Choosing a frame for a poster can be both a tricky and an engaging exercise. There are lots of factors to consider- such as color scheme, material, measurements, and placement. Overall, thin frames are a favorite with posters because it gives them a sleek look and draws undivided attention to the contents. Though not always applicable, you may also want to understand where your poster will go, the color of the wall and the furniture set up of the room, and so on while looking for a frame.
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