Reproduções De Belas Artes Despertar a Consciência por William Holman Hunt (1827-1910, England) |

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Unable to open [object Object]: Error loading image at /A55A04/w.nsf/O/BRUE-8BX242/$File/WILLIAM-HOLMAN-HUNT-THE-AWAKENING-CONSCIENCE.JPG
"The Awakening Conscience"


William Holman Hunt OM (2 April 1827 - 7 September 1910) was an English painter, and one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood. William Holman Hunt changed his middle name from "Hobman" to Holman when he discovered that a clerk had misspelled the name after his baptism at the church of Saint Mary the Virgin, Ewell. After eventually ente...
[Biography - William Holman Hunt - 5Ko]
William Holman Hunt was a member of the 19th century artistic group the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood, more commonly referred to as the Pre-Raphaelites. Hunt was an English painter, like most of the other Pre-Raphaelites, and thought that art should return to the aesthetic qualities held dear in the Renaissance by artists such as intricate detail and ...
[Page - William Holman Hunt - 4Ko]
William Holman Hunt OM (2 avril 1827 au 7 Septembre 1910) était un peintre anglais, et l'un des fondateurs de la Confrérie préraphaélite. William Holman Hunt a changé son prénom de «Hobman" à Holman quand il a découvert que le greffier avait mal orthographié le nom après son baptême à l'église de la Vierge Marie, Ewell. Après finalement entrer dans...
[Biography - William Holman Hunt - 6Ko]
William Holman Hunt OM (2 April 1827 - 7. September 1910) war ein englischer Maler und einer der Gründer der Präraffaeliten. William Holman Hunt änderte seinen Vornamen von "Hobman" zu Holman, als er entdeckt, dass ein Angestellter hatte den Namen nach seiner Taufe Rechtschreibfehler in der Kirche von Saint Mary the Virgin, Ewell. Nach Eingabe schl...
[Biography - William Holman Hunt - 6Ko]
William Holman Hunt OM (2 Apr 1827 - 7 settembre 1910) è stato un pittore inglese, e uno dei fondatori della Confraternita dei preraffaelliti. William Holman Hunt cambiato il suo secondo nome da "Hobman" di Holman quando scoprì che un impiegato aveva scritto male il nome dopo il suo battesimo presso la chiesa di Santa Maria Vergine, Ewell. Dopo ave...
[Biography - William Holman Hunt - 5Ko]
William Holman Hunt OM (abril 2, 1827-septiembre 7, 1910) fue un pintor Inglés, y uno de los fundadores de la Hermandad Prerrafaelita. William Holman Hunt cambiado su segundo nombre de "Hobman" a Holman cuando descubrió que un empleado había escrito mal el nombre después de su bautismo en la iglesia de Santa María la Virgen, Ewell. Después de final...
[Biography - William Holman Hunt - 6Ko] - William Holman Hunt
Arts & Entertainment > Hobbies & Creative Arts > Artwork
Reproduções De Belas Artes Despertar a Consciência por William Holman Hunt (1827-1910, England) |
William Holman Hunt